I started off building our classroom community by creating routines and expectations. We implemented a visual schedule, set up activities for early finishers and reward systems for positive behaviours. I began to build a sense of belonging for each student by getting to know them individually. I learned their like and dislikes and extracurricular activites through reading their daily journals. I did my best to let go of any preconceived notions I had of my students and encouraged my students to do the same. I provided different learning opportunities to let students shine at different times.
But the moment I realized I had a successful inclusive classrom was when we embarked on our project for each student to make a tied fleece blanket. I initiated the project because I thought this was definitely something each student could accomplish and I wanted our class to feel success as a group. I went to the fabric store, negotiated a deal for the fleece and bought fleece samples for the students. After explaining the project, each student excitedly chose a front and back fleece. On the day of the project, the class and a number of parent volunteers walked into the gymnasium and settled into their project. There was a buzz of excitement as they began but it was replaced with a sense of worry as they realized the project was going to take a good dose of perseverance. I went from student to student and was amazed at what I saw. The students were trading scissors when a friend's got dull, leaving their own blanket aside to work together to make headway on another and encouraging one another to keep going. Some students finished that day but many didn't. In the days that followed students would pull out their blankets at random times to finish tying knots. Sometimes there would be 3 or 4 students working together.
This project was a success because each student felt they belonged to our classroom community. They each had a place and knew they could make a contribution. Most importantly, each student was just a student. The project placed everyone on an even playing field. We succeded individually and as a group. There were no special needs students. There was no inclusive classroom. We were just a classroom. From this, we ended the school year with the class you see above. We had experienced the key to a successful inclusive classroom!
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